Priscila Rodrigues is a black woman, Brazilian and a journalist. She was a Media Geo Lead Mentor in the project Adobe Youth Voices in Brazil. She participated in the creation of the digital platform Onlaje and the advertising campaign Favela 3D, both projects of the Escola Popular de Comunicação Crítica (Popular School of Critical Communication).

Priscila wrote the script for the short film Rotulada – sapatão, preta, gorda e favelada (Labeled – lesbian, black, fat and poor) and the short story CaminhoNEGRA, published in the book Um Rio de Cores – Coletânea de Contos & Poesias Homoafetivas by Metanoia. Currently, she works at Observatório de Favelas (Slum Observatory) with culture, education, human rights, gender and race.

She is also the representative of the institution at the Fórum Permanente pela Igualdade Racial (Permanent Forum on Racial Equality) and director of the Institute Herdeiras Candaces. In her trajectory, she always works with popular communication, slums and the confrontation of LGBTphobia, racism and gender discrimination.
Rio – An Unseen Beauty
by Priscila Rodrigues
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